Saturday, April 18, 2009

hey guys.. finally had a time and the energy and the feel to update. haha..

hmmm.. the latest post will be on easter. long and tired weekend but fun and fulfilling. had many friends and try to know each one of them but not much time as some had to leave early.. its okay. do hope that they will be back. =) 

just had cg bbq just now for welcoming back the friends. glad that a few of them came.. had fun and many food. yum yum.. home at ard 11pm with annie driving. funny journey cos went a little round finding emi's place lol. follow by esther and me. then jia then derrick.. hope annie dun do anything funny lol.. 

read smth which is so ridiculous. 2 best fren kiss. OH MAN! cant believe it. must 2 fren kiss to know if you have the feelings for one another? get the facts right. argh.. so disturb by it.. dunno how shud i describe that feel.. its not a very good feeling that will fade in hours.. =s

continue to pray and shine. i'll not give up.. there's many things out there waiting for me to do/complete.. =)

12:54 AM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hello everyone.. my blog is alive.. resurrect.. haha.. got the sudden feel to blog today but i dunno where and how to start. hmmm.. feel weirds.

wonder why its so sudden. no notice, no hint, just come, pack and leave.. whats the reason? just cos not up to standard? i feel that its not just this. many double-faced around.. you wun know when you are safe. and now i dun hav a colleague till next week. wonder how's it like.. dun have the mood to work today and so sad to see you leave. how am i gg to work without ur guidance and teaching! now its gg to be quiet..

many things gg on this week. pm, updates.. its pack and busy, but we believe that everything will turn out well. that as we do it accordingly, all will be added into our life. its difficult and hard to reali do so many things in a week but do continue to go for it. believe you can even if you're tired.. when you get the results, you wun regret putting all the effort. you will wan to do more and realize that all you done is not in vain..

cant wait for sunday to come. to have dinner wit u guys.. always lots of weird and funny stuff. hmmm.. and we ALWAYS attract people looking at our way. too attractive huh! lol.. anw, ya shall stop here. will write another entry soon after this weekend. got dinner on sat and sun.. i know that everything will turn out well. =)

sometimes expectation that we set may be too high for us to reach, or even ppl ard us. do lower the expectation a little so as not to make a big step in front and miss out the small ways in the front.. set smth that is do-able and possible. =) pray that i'll be able to go for camp in june and my whole connect group will go. have fun, know more ppl and more bonding. yay!

take care everyone.. weather is not good.. cheers!

8:38 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009

HAPPY 2009! Its the start of a brand new year.. Everything that happen in 2008 is the past. we should look forward to the new year and be prepared to do more great work, do our best in everything we do.. =)

be more courageous and have more faith in the big and small things that we do. the little things always touch people.. let's arise and do greater things.. step out and don't be afraid!

for this post, i would like to thank everyone that i know.
for being with me, brighten up my life, guiding me..
once again,

11:42 PM

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ahh.. its almost a month since i last update. so im here to update now.. =)

many things going on for the month of november, this month is oso pack and busy.. the week after bday was asia conference. took off and went for session everyday. cool.. very impacted by the messages and had many fun for the past few days. those who went will know. *wink

this week is already the 2nd week of dec and in no time its gonna be end of the year. a brand new year is coming! ~whee~
last weekend had a guest speaker. and we receive a 'talking stone'. heh heh..

anyway what i wanna talk about is my BDAY!! haha..
my bday is on a sunday and i had to wake up early.. travel to jw to attend daryll's water bap. then off to lunch and then to harbourfront(tiff make a video. wanna see go facebook). after that char make appt for me to go trim eyebrown.-for details, facebook. haha.. went to walk ard sourcing for perfume with char. wah smell almost lik 10 diff fragance..

haha then after that SOMEONE keep wanting to follow her dunno to where. smth is fishy huh.. lol. anw, the someone ask me acc her to ecp to take smth from her fren. and since its near my place, i acc her(so nice of me =>) so many funny stunts huh. go toilet. then walk almost the quarter of ecp.. suddenly, somebody sneak up from behind and cover my eyes. and got usher to lead me. haha.. and im lead to a table filled with food, drinks. SUPRISE! very touched.. pics all on facebook. haha.. its an enjoyable nite. i duno how to describe the feeling but it touches deep inside.. =D Thanks all!

and of cos not forgetting my CG. =D char and the rest of the members. celebration start from fri all the way to sunday. surprises, dinner, and companionship.. great bday i had. special thanks to everyone who had celebrated my bday and wish me.. Ana's bday was exciting too. haha.. let's do smth great for the bday of ppl that we know. =)

shall end here. will update soon. take care everyone and enjoy the last few weeks of dec.. =)

8:42 PM

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yay its a great day today.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HWEE YING!

HAHA.. im not being loner but wanna wish myself with happy day, happy life and be bless in everything i do. shall update more again.. =)

11:54 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008

hello. its like 10 days since i last update.. here i am, wanting to update on sat but i reach home late and was quite tired so wait till now. hmmm..

wanna update a song we sang during svc.. like the chorus so much. =)
it goes:
Let every voice declare it now
My God reigns, His love will never fail me
My God reigns, His ruling over all
In all my life, in every situation i know
My God is greater, my God is over all

sounds so nice. make my faith stronger.. to know that i've my God with me in all that i do. and to keep on running towards the vision that i have.. no fears and failure. hang in there and all i get is what i want.. all that matter is NOW! dun keep waiting and never get it done. do NOW! =)

Pastor emphase on the foundation. love everyone for who they are no matter how different people is.. show them God's love and that they're people ard them who care. let them have more confidence, self-esteem, etc.. tink its good to be recaping that we always need to be on the run and running the vision tgt. to shine out there in the marketplace, to penetrate the marketplace.. isn't it amazing to do it tgt? tink its cool!

yeah so do start your engine and start to run NOW! put on your seatbelt and speed.... Jiayou everyone.. *thumbs-up =>

3:52 AM

Thursday, October 16, 2008


wanna update on this day. one month from now is a BIG DAY! haha.. everyone remember. =>

a short entry today. i've been like reading books lately. those fiction books.. haha.. then can read alost 3 quarter of it in one day. wow, power! lols.. not bragging but sharing. heh heh.. wonder when i'll be able to have a week or so of break to slp, rest and meet up with friends. im like pack week after week.. wan meet me? ask me in advance. =P

and and i've 2-3 blessing lik in one and a half week. good news is shared. haha.. thanks God for all the blessings. wanna know what isit? come ask me! wahahaha..

lastly, wanna wish ALL THE BEST to those having O and A level. O level is next week and A level is first week of nov.. do mug hard and continue to perserver. dun slack and increase ur speed.. do burn lots of oil now and you can enjoy after all paper. take care and see you soon.. JiayoU =>

10:55 PM